Sponsor Contact
Jennifer Bunete
$12,500maximum 4 sponsors
- 6 complimentary registrations
- 10' exhibit space during the morning sessions
- Invitation to faculty dinner the evening before the conference
- Welcome/closing reception sponsor
- Contact information for all attendees
- Full page (8 ½ x 11) color advertisement in seminar materials
- Company logo on conference lanyards
- Company logo and link on NJHMR website
- Company logo/name printed on conference tote
- Premier signage during event
- Sponsor recognition from podium
- Opportunity to include promotional item in conference tote
- 3 complimentary hotel guestrooms
- Gobo displayed during cocktail reception
$8,500maximum 4 sponsors
- 4 complimentary registrations
- 6' table top exhibit space during the morning sessions
- Invitation to faculty dinner the evening before the conference
- Lunch sponsor
- Contact information for all attendees
- Full page (8 ½ x 11) color advertisement in seminar materials
- Opportunity to include promotional item in conference tote
- Sponsor recognition from podium
- Prominent signage during event
- Company logo and link on NJHMR website
- Company logo/name printed on conference tote
- 2 complimentary hotel guestrooms
- 3 complimentary registrations
- 6' table top exhibit space during the morning sessions
- Invitation to faculty dinner the evening before the conference
- Breakfast sponsor
- Half page (8 x 5) color advertisement in seminar materials
- Sponsor recognition from podium
- Prominent signage during event
- Company logo and link on NJHMR website
- Company logo/name printed on conference tote
- 2 complimentary registrations
- Coffee break sponsor
- Logo placement on event signage
- Company logo and link on NJHMR website
- Company logo/name printed on conference tote